LoadBalancer Pools


Load balancing functions accessed via the neutron endpoint are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Users are strongly encouraged to migrate to using the octavia endpoint. This library does not support the octavia endpoint yet. Consider helping us to implement it .

More information can be found in the official documentation.


$networking = $openstack->networkingV2();

// Options for pool
$options = [
    'name'               => 'poolName',
    'description'        => 'Load Balancer Pool',
    'listenerId'         => '{listenerId}',
    'adminStateUp'       => true,
    'protocol'           => 'HTTPS',
    'lbAlgorithm'        => 'ROUND_ROBIN',
    'sessionPersistence' => [
        'type'        => 'APP_COOKIE',
        'cookie_name' => 'example_cookie'

// Create the pool
$pool = $networking->createLoadBalancerPool($options);


$read = $openstack->networkingV2();

// Get the pool
$pool = $read->getLoadBalancerPool('{poolId}');


$networking = $openstack->networkingV2();

foreach ($networking->listLoadBalancerPools() as $pool) {
    // Do Stuff


$networking = $openstack->networkingV2();

// Get the pool
$pool = $networking->getLoadBalancerPool('{poolId}');

$pool->name = 'newPool';
$pool->description = 'New Description';


$networking = $openstack->networkingV2();

// Get the pool
$pool = $networking->getLoadBalancerPool('{poolId}');


Add Member

$networking = $openstack->networkingV2();

// Get the pool
$pool = $networking->getLoadBalancerPool('{poolId}');

// Member options
$options = [
    'address'      => '',
    'protocolPort' => 443,
    'weight'       => 1,
    'adminStateUp' => true,
    'subnetId'     => '{subnetId}'

$member = $pool->addMember($options);

Get Member

$networking = $openstack->networkingV2();

// Get the pool
$pool = $networking->getLoadBalancerPool('{poolId}');

// Get a member
$member = $pool->getMember('{memberId}');

Delete Member

$networking = $openstack->networkingV2();

// Get the pool
$pool = $networking->getLoadBalancerPool('{poolId}');

// Get a member
$member = $pool->getMember('{memberId}');


Add Health Monitor

$networking = $openstack->networkingV2();

// Get the pool
$pool = $networking->getLoadBalancerPool('{poolId}');

// Health Monitor options
$options = [
    'type'          => 'HTTPS',
    'delay'         => 1,
    'timeout'       => 1,
    'httpMethod'    => 'GET',
    'urlPath'       => '/',
    'expectedCodes' => '200,201,302',
    'maxRetries'    => 5,
    'adminStateUp'  => true

$healthmonitor = $pool->addHealthMonitor($options);